Masham Sheep Fair £83,500 fundraising milestone

The annual Masham Sheep Fair is always held over the last weekend in September when the town is taken over by all things sheepy.  As the event couldn’t take place in 2020 due to the pandemic, 2021 proved to be the best yet as locals and visitors were so happy to be able to enjoy a sunny weekend without too many Covid restrictions.  The Sheep Fair committee generously donated all the parking money to Yorkshire Air Ambulance again this year plus supported local charities within the town.  The YAA North team of staff and volunteers helped with the parking and thanks to the generous visitors and support at the stall in the Market Square, a phenomenal £13,663.59 was raised.  At the recent Presentation Evening at the Black Sheep Brewery in Masham, Steve Waudby, YAA’s Director of Aviation thanked the committee and volunteers for their continued support and explained the impact of Covid over the last few years and the future planned developments within the charity.  A raffle during the evening raised another £325.00.

Tessa Klemz commented: “Everyone in Masham has such love and respect for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and the work that it does. One of the charity’s two helicopters is based at RAF Topcliffe in North Yorkshire and in such a rural part of the county people really appreciate the value of the service.  I would like to thank the Masham Sheep Fair Committee for their very generous support over the years which has raised almost £83,500.00 which goes a long way to saving lives across Yorkshire.  Thank you.”