Meet our new Grants and Trusts Manager Marianne Haworth

Being able to apply to Grants and Trusts organisations is an integral part of YAA and contributes heavily to our vital running costs. They help us secure funding for specialist equipment, training support and facilities for our crew to deliver the very best patient care.

In May 2022, Marianne Haworth was appointed our new Grants and Trusts Manager. Marianne is responsible for applying to Grants and Trusts organisations on behalf of the charity and sourcing opportunities. We caught up with Marianne to learn all about her career history and what she aims to bring to the Charity.

Career history

“I was a full-time lawyer practising employment as an employment solicitor for six years. I then took some time off when I had my children before working with a Parish Council giving them legal and financial advice. That’s how I got into grant funding as I was applying for grants on behalf of the Parish Council. I then moved on to do grant funding for a school academy which had 13 primary schools, before leaving there to join the YAA.

Why did you want to work for YAA?

I have always lived in Yorkshire and have been drawn to the charity. I wanted to use the skills that I have acquired to be part of a team that is doing work for such a good cause.

What are you looking to bring to your role?

To increase contacts with a wider reach of charitable trusts and foundations. To get out there beyond Yorkshire, but also celebrate and nurture our Yorkshire relationships.

What are the current challenges to grant funding?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic instability, competition for grant funding has been fierce, with some business organisations prioritising grant funding over seeking loans or financing that needed to be repaid.  Trends and themes, such as climate change, food poverty are also continually changing meaning some causes lose out temporarily.

What kind of organisations gives grant funding to charities?

Any individual, business, group or other charity can establish their own foundation or charitable trust with powers to offer grants for general or specific charitable purposes.  Trust funding can be granted for general operational costs or restricted for a specific initiative or project.  At Yorkshire Air Ambulance we are extremely grateful to the donors who have supported us, and continue to do so, via grants.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

I like running, going to exercise classes and mountain biking when I can. I have three children, twins and an elder child.

Interesting fact

Marianne’s family like spending a lot of time outdoors and they have a holiday booked on a small island with no electricity later this year.