Oye’s smashing total for YAA following 8 hour table tennis match

A big thank you to one of our longstanding supporters Oye Jemiyo for organising another triumphant 8-hour table tennis match and for raising an incredible £1,273.73 with more funds still yet to be received.

Oye, a wheelchair table tennis player who has ranked highly in both UK and world table tennis championships has been organising a table tennis match for the charity since 2019.

Helen Berriman, West Yorkshire Fundraiser for Yorkshire Air Ambulance, said: “I would like to thank Oye for his continuous support and generosity and congratulate him on another fantastic fundraiser for our Charity. It costs £12,000 a day to keep both of Yorkshire’s air ambulances maintained and in the air and the money raised will help greatly towards the vital funding of our service.”

Read more of our Community Thank You’s HERE.