Donation Process

* You must complete the fields marked with an asterisk.

Please tell us why you are making this donation


In Memory Of

In Lieu Of

Your Contact Details

Your Address Details

Details of Executor

Details of the person who has left this Gift in their Will

Last Known Address

All generous gifts in wills, or legacies, are looked after by our administration team based at our head office in Elland. In order to properly administer these gifts to the charity, there are some documents we need to request from you as Executor, these are:

  • A copy of the will and any codicils (photocopy/scan/photo acceptable)
  • If the gift is a residuary legacy, where Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA) is left a share or percentage of an estate, please include a copy of the final estate accounts

This information is required in order for us to be able to issue the Executor with a receipt and discharge. As we are a registered charity, it also helps us to comply with Charity Commission auditing requirements. You can read further guidance about administering residuary gifts by downloading the leaflet Administration of a charitable estate – notes for executors (PDF).

We will also be able to amend our donor record for the deceased, if applicable.

If the documents are not available electronically please post to our head office at:

Cayley House,
10 South Lane

Gift Aid

I am a UK taxpayer and I would like Yorkshire Air Ambulance Ltd to claim back the tax on all donations I have made in the last four years and on all future donations I make until I notify you otherwise. Please Note - You must pay an amount of income tax/capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the Charity reclaims on your donations in the tax year. You may cancel the declaration at any time.

Stay In Touch

Yorkshire Air Ambulance would love to keep you up to date with information from time to time, such as our newsletter and information about exciting events and projects we have coming up that you might find interesting.

We promise to keep your details safe and never sell or swap them with anyone. Our Privacy Policy explains how we keep this promise.

We may also send occasional updates by post.

If you don’t want to hear from us in the future, change your mind about how we contact you, or your details have changed, please let us know by completing the Update Your Preferences form on our website, by emailing or by calling us on 01422 237900.