Yorkshire Air Ambulance Charity relies on the generosity of individuals and organisations to help save lives across Yorkshire.
Our People
Our two air ambulance helicopters fly daily. One has a crew consisting of a highly trained Pilot, a Critical Care consultant-level Doctor with experience in A&E and an Anaesthesia specialism, and a Critical Care Paramedic, and the other has a crew consisting of a highly trained Pilot and two Critical Care Paramedics.
Together, they form a highly skilled team that responds to over 1,500 incidents, treats over 1,100 patients, and flies over 330 patients to major trauma centres and other hospitals across the county each year.

Ruth Crossley
Finance Manager
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Ruth Crossley
Finance Manager
Meet Ruth Crossley, Finance Manager at Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Proudly residing in the vibrant town of Huddersfield, Ruth became an invaluable member of our YAA team in November 2020. It’s worth noting that Ruth’s journey began amidst the challenges of the second Covid-19 lockdown, which meant she didn’t have the chance to meet her YAA colleagues face-to-face for a remarkable six months!
Charles Handscomb
Finance Officer
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Charles Handscomb
Finance Officer
Meet Charles Handscomb, our charismatic Finance Officer. Hailing from the bustling streets of London, Charles made the move up north in 2004 and is now very proud to be a Yorkshireman (Although his accent still needs some work). He joined our head office team in April 2023 and has been instrumental in handling the financial intricacies of our charity’s diverse income streams.